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He was one of the founders of the Working Group for the Liberation of the Working Class (گروه مبارزه برای آزادی طبقه كارگر), was in charge of the organization of the Union of Communists of Iran (اتحادیه کمونیستهای ایران) in Kermanshah, was a member of the Sarbadaran (سربداران) Leadership Council, was the political leader of Amin Asadi’s group in the forest.

Asghar Amiri

‌He was one of the organizers of the historic demonstration on May 1, 1979 in Kermanshah City. He played an important role in providing supplies to the working class Peshmerga organization (تشكیلات پیشمرگه زحمتكشان) in 1979-1980, especially in the bloody Nowruz war in Sanandaj City. He also played a decisive role in mobilizing the comrades of Kermanshah to advance the plan of the Sarbadaran uprising. He was arrested in the fall of 1983 following the ongoing persecution of the Islamic Republic Guards. He was subjected to the most barbaric tortures. Finally, in 1984, he was also handed over to the execution squad just one month after the execution of his sister Susan Amiri. It should be noted that his other brother, Hassan Amiri, was also shot dead by the Islamic Republic of Iran a few days later.

His memory is cherished forever.

Nemiran Center has unfortunately little information about his life. We appreciate every support in this case.


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