Nasser Ebrahimpour, son of Sheikha (father) and Khatun (mother) opened his eyes to the world in 1347 Iranian Calendar (1968) in Sardasht city. From his birth on he proved that he was an intelligent and responsible person. Despite his young age, he got an important place in the family. His father was a plantation owner and earned his living from this plantation. Nasser had a great interest in education and had dreams for his future. He worked hard to achieve these aspirations and did not neglect school at all. He was the only male child in the family and rushed every day to his old father after school to help him with the plantation work.
The tragedy happened when he was in the third class of secondary school. He was just 14 years old. In the afternoon of a spring day, he was working in the plantation. A group of Kurdish Peshmerga passed by. A heavy fighting had occurred a few kilometers away that place, and the Kurdistan Peshmerga had inflicted a fatal blow on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. A few hours later, a group of local mercenaries and Revolutionary Guards of the Islamic Republic of Iran entered their plantation. They took Nasser with along with indescribable cruelty.
Nasser Ebrahimpour was never a member of any party or organization. This 14-year-old boy was executed after two months in prison and he had suffered severe torture before. The dismembered body of that innocent teenager was delivered to his family. In the cemetery of Sardasht city, he was buried in the praised and blessed soil of Kurdistan. The Islamic government committed this crime just to terrorize the people of the region and to take revenge on the Peshmerga. The hated face of the regime reappeared once more.
Nemiran Center has obtained more details about the perpetrators of the arrest and torture of Nasser Ebrahimpour in order to search and clarify this case. We are trying to substantiate the evidence so that it can be presented to a fair and legitimate court in the future.
May his soul be eternal and his memory be everlasting.