Beloved Ali Jehangiri was the son of Mrs Zobeide and Mr Hussein Jehangiri known as Hussein Befraw. He was born on 1341 Iranian Calendar (1982) in Mahabad.
When he grew up and went to school, everybody was amazed by his intelligence. Everybody remembers him as an intelligent and smart person. He grew up and became more and more aware about the suppression his people who were subjected to. He was the best in his class
In the time that Iranian revolution succeeded in 1979. At that time his believed steadfast in patriotism and Kurdish national identity. This led him to join the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan and begun his patriotic duties in one of the secretive underground cells. People who were close to him know him as a responsible and hardworking lad who fulfilled his duties tirelessly.
Unfortunately he was captured at 05:30 am in his private house in Mahabad during a night raid across the town by security forces as a mean to put pressure on the population. He was badly beaten and tortured in one of revolutionary guard’s prison. A short time afterwards he was executed alongside Naser Belali by firing squad on 02.08.1360 Iranian Calendar (24/10/1981). Their bodies were thrown at the local mortuary in Mahabad. Their families were informed about this crime; they buried their bodies in Mahabad cemetery.
May their memories never be forgotten.
A special thanks to Mr. Ibrahim Jehangiri who has been assisting Nemiran Center to record this memoires.