Author: Farhad Abdollahpour
A child was born at the dawn of 5/10/1369 Iranian Calendar (26/12/ 1990) in the village of Qarasaqal in the province of Oshnaviyeh. The name Hedayat was chosen for him, so that he would be a guide and a servant of his nation and a symbol of struggle for the freedom and progress in the future of his homeland Kurdistan. He grew up under the care of his mother Marjan Behrouzi and his father Abubakr Abdollahpour. In the lap of these loved ones, the belief in humanity and patriotism was shaped in him.

Hedayat grew up and went to school to study. Due to deprivation and lack of necessary facilities for education, he continued until the fifth grade. When he got into adolescence, Hedayat started working to help his family out of financial and other difficulties. As a result, he has also grown mentally. He felt the misfortune and sufferings that his society endured and became more familiar with the pain of the society. He was looking for an opportunity to find an answer to all questions that had rushed in his mind. The primary reason for such injustice and the unbearable situation of society was the existence of a political system; the despotic rule and dictatorship of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which had oppressed the Kurdish nation ever since its emergence. The thought of freedom that moved him and weighed on his shoulders led him to decide to do what he could do to fight this dictatorial government. In this way, he began his political activity and struggle with the utmost honesty for freedom and the liberation of his nation from the yoke of the oppressors of the time, like other young people eager for freedom and equality.
In 2008, he and I went to the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan in the city of Sinjar to join the secret organization of the Party. It was organized in the secret organization of this party. After one year of membership of the party and underground activities, Hedayat was arrested by the Oshnaviyeh Intelligence Department for forty days in 2009. He was released because he does not make any confessions about his party activities. Hedayat, the free and brave young man, tried his best to fulfill his duties with great enthusiasm and responsibility that he felt for his nation. Although he could not continue his education to high level due to the lack of necessary conditions, he was constantly trying to raise his level of awareness with enthusiasm and desire to learn more and more. He had a good relationship with his fellow citizens and his colleagues. As a friendly person he had become a well-known figure in society, an icon of a good-natured and patriotic man. His great love for his nation was so deep in him that he worked hard to learn his mother tongue. At the same time, he encouraged his friends and relatives to learn and to appreciate the Kurdish language.
As an active, efficient and knowledgeable member, he also participated in civic activities such as environmental protection in addition to performing the duties of the party organization. He tried to raise awareness and enlightenment about the realities of society. During his membership in secret organization of the party and simultaneously with civic activities, he participated in several missions of the “City Peshmerga” and had fulfilled his and responsibilities. He succeeded devotedly in carrying out these missions. History is a witness that dozens of young people have been honored to join the Democratic Party under his guidance. He worked day and night to make a living and also engaged in party affairs with unparalleled self-sacrifice.

On 24/3/1395 Iranian Calendar (13/6/2016), a team of sixteen Peshmerga comrades came to Oshnaviyeh for a party mission. Hedayat, as a secret member and contact person of the party, joined the team that was stationed in the region. He was familiar with the geographical location. He got the task to ensure their safety and to provide them with food facilities around the clock. Two days later, the Peshmerga were identified unfortunately in the village of Qara Saqal. The government troops tracked them. During two days of admirable and epical self-defense against the Revolutionary Guards and local mercenaries, eight Democratic Party cadres and Peshmergas sacrificed their lives for their lofty human aspirations. During this clash, the Peshmerga comrades’ equipment such as cameras and video cameras fall into the hands of the regime troops. Hedayat’s photo appeared among the photos and videos even though he had completely covered his face. He was identified as an active secret member of the city. On 13/5/1395 (3/8/2016), he was arrested in a brutally way in Halabja Square in the city of Oshnaviyeh. It was pre-planned by the Revolutionary Guards and with the help of a bribed spy who was from the town of “Nalos” and was named (JA) [1].They used electric shock device. From the moment of his arrest, he was detained in one of the secret houses of the intelligence service. They wanted to suffocate him, but Hedayat regained consciousness. And he bravely told them:” My brother Farhad knows that (JA) has contacted me. He knows that (JA) has lured me into the trap.”
In this way, Hedayat was arrested and transferred to the solitary confinement of the Revolutionary Guards in Urmia. They tried to get him to confess during 74 days in solitary confinement, with mental and physical torture. During these physical tortures, one of his ears lost hearing, but his steadfastness and courage remained unprecedented. He stood firm on his goals and ideals like a mountain. He did not confess to any of the imputed allegations to him. But the enemies of the Kurdish nation used a ruse in order to appease their dark hearts and cover up their scandal in the epic “Qara Saqal”. Families of spies and mercenaries sued him. Hedayat’s case became a charge of a private nature by the families of spies and mercenaries, apart from the legal, political and military dimensions. He was sentenced to death in the unjust court of the Islamic Republic of Iran without any legal legitimation.
Hedayat was a courageous and brave person during his incarceration in Orumiye Prison. He remained a steady Peshmerga with a strong patriotic belief and continued his education in prison and successfully completed high school with A level degrees. He dedicated his last time to enlighten himself and sought personal achievements.

According to his inmates testimonies, people like; Othman Mustafapoor, Muhaidin Ibrahimi, Muhammad Nazari, Arsalan Khodkam, Said Sangar, his exceptional moral and gentle nature had made him exemplary amongst the inmates and everyone liked him.
In prison he was reiterating the sentence: our future looks bright. He was supporting his inmates and his family and he bravely was saying: I am paying with my life for freedom. His mantra was inspired by the great Kurdish leader Dr. Qasimlo who famously said: Any nation who wants to be free has to pay the price as well. With this in his mind he remained faithful to his believes and his righteous freedom struggle for his people to the end.
Unfortunately on 10 of April 2020 the black minded republic of execution made the gallows ready yet for another act of vengeance.
He was executed in Ramadan since the famous Qara Saqal operation had happened in the same month. It had taken a lot of time and because of Corona situation he was not allowed to see his seven years old daughter Kurdistan and twelve years old son Sirwan, neither his faithful wife who truly supported him throughout this ordeal.
He asked to see them one last time but his request was declined by authorities.
He was executed in the presence of the treacherous loyalist families of Qara Saqal.
They were still afraid of his lifeless body and they never gave back his body to his family to bury.
[1] Name and description of the person is kept secret by Nemiran Center. We try to get better information regarding him to make sure when appropriate this will be made available for a court of justice.