Ali Pishnamaz was born into a revolutionary nationalist family in the city of Mahabad, a city where the sense of Kurdish patriotism and nationalism was very strong because it was the place of the unique Kurdish government and the Republic of Kurdistan. Ali was a revolutionary nationalist from the beginning of his life, influenced by his place of birth as well as his family. He went to school until the sixth grade. He was a talented pupil. His mother, older brother Rasool Pishnamaz and his cousin Hassan Rastegar were among the ranks of the Democratic Party and during the great “Eylul” revolution in Iraqi Kurdistan (1961). He joined them at a very young age. He arrived his mother and his brother’s wife in the village of “Hero” in “Peshdar” region. At that time, his brother, along with his comrades and Suleiman Moeini were fighting against the central government of Iran in the “Mangoor” area of Iranian Kurdistan.
In the beginning of the year 1967 he joined his brother and the ranks of the Peshmerga for a while. Later, he went to the village of Bewran near the city of Sardasht for organizational and party communication. A security agent named “Ali Nishkolan” from the village of “Nishkolan” betrayed his presence to the security service. He was detained, tortured and harassed for 3 years. After his release, he was drafted into the army.
At the End of October 1977, during a completely secret trip into the homeland, Rasool Pishnamaz followed by his father met Ali Pishnamaz at Rasool Haji Hosseini’s house (a member of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan) in the village Chekola Mucha. Rasool sent a letter to Aziz Yousefi on behalf of the Democratic Party’s political bureau. Aziz Yoosefi was suggested in this letter to go to the political bureau accompanied by Ali. Yoosefi should there after travel to Europe for medical treatment. Yoosefi did not accept the request and the trip was cancelled. This story is described on pages 352 to 354 of the book “Memoirs of My Life” written by Rasool Pishnamaz. Karim Hesami has also referred to this event on the page 355 of his book.
Ali was a fearless and brave man. He was in constant contact with the party in 1967. Essential part of party work in Mahabad and the surrounding areas of Mahabad, such as “Mangur” and “Gawurk” were performed under his supervision.
Ali played an active role in anti-government demonstrations during the revolution and popular uprising of Iran against the monarchy regime of Shah until the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan began its legal activities. He was spirited and courageous. For this reason, his brother Rasool, who was a member of the Peshmerga Council at the time, rarely took him along to the activities in the Region “Shekak” and “Hawshar”. He tried to protect Ali. Unfortunately, he separated from us forever in an unpredictable incident.

In July 1979, I was performing party activities in the Dabashi area. I was in charge of supervising the party regional work in Mahabad, north and south regions. I went to some areas of Horamanat accompanying Abdullah Hassanzadeh. I left Ali with Major Abbasi alone.
Suleiman Chireh and Abdullah Chekola suggested one day that they go to Takab together with Ali to support their comrades in the “Khabat” organization, as well as “Komala Yeksani” and others who had allied themselves with the peasants to face the feudals who oppressed the people of the region. Ali joined them without informing Major Abbasi. As soon as he arrived in the place, he intervened. Ali and”Mostafa Hamedi” jumped out of the car and entered the conflict zone. The other people escaped from the conflict zone and were safe, unharmed and spared.

Ali and Mostafa Hamedi were injured. Two bullets hit Ali in the arm. They were arrested and were transferred to Zanjan prison. Later, Khalkhali sentenced both of them to death in a show trial following Khomein’s ordinance. They were executed on 6/6/1358 (28/8(1979) in the city of Zanjan. At my request from the Mahabad prosecutor, we brought their corpses to Mahabad. We buried him in a mournful ceremony in Bodaq Sultan Cemetery. During the burial “Sheikh Izz al-Din Hosseini” as well as Karim Hesami, my mother and I spoke to those who were present at the ceremony. As I have mentioned in my book, my mother’s words impressed everyone there and tears flowed down everyone’s face. My mother approached Ali’s tomb and said these words without losing her calmness weeping: “My brave son, I don’t cry after you, because you sacrificed your life for nation and homeland. This large community here is a sign of the greatness and pride of yourself and your family.”
Author: Rasool Pishnamaz, brother of Ali Pishnamaz
Memorable memories of “Hossein Bakhshi” at the funeral of Ali Pishnamaz:
I will never forget that day. I was standing next to the great Kurdish poet “Hemen Mukriani” while we buried Ali. He asked me whether I have a pen with me. I replied positive. He said: “write down this poem”:
You are immortal; you are the symbol of freedom
Your blood was not shed in vain
These corpses were punctured by bullets
They are buried in the warm heart of the nation
(Hemen Mukriani)
To my beloved family
Revolutionary Court of the Islamic Republic of Zanjan
My dear father,
I am taking steps at this moment to be executed, I ask my brother Rasool and you to take care of my children. I kiss Akhtar and Leila. I kiss Shapol, Loghman, Kavo and Abbas. I kiss my mother’s hand.
I have some money at Rasool Qader Reza. Settle the money with him. I do not know exactly how much it is.
I owe 1000 toman to Ostad Abdullah.
I borrowed 1000 to Mala Hassan Gowhar.
I put 3 tires with rims at Osman’s garage, get them back paying by cheque.
I demand about 4 thousand toman from Mala Mohammad Jwanro and I had no money at home. The day before, I had given 100 toman to my wife Amina.
I deposited 3000 toman of money at my brother Aziz.
I owe some money to Mohammad Qader Shet.
I had paid 5000 toman to Ostad Mohammad Abbas, who was doing my job, to pay the workers. Settle accounts with him.
I have 5000 toman at Mala Abdullah Sufi. Saleh Glenan and Saeed Haji Saleh are in the process. I demand 400 toman from Hassan Zahra Ajam for the tape recorder.
My beloved mother, I kiss your hand. I kiss Qader. I greet my sisters in law Fatema and Basse. I kiss my brother Khalil and Assad.I kiss Galawej, Hero, Gulala, Halala, Shne and Beri.
My beloved mother, I kiss my sisters Fatema and Amina. And I kiss my father’s hand and I hope you all have patience. I kiss my children again.
Keep Akhtar and Leila and my wife in our house and send my greetings to her parents as well.
I may leave for ever in the next couple of hours. I had promised to buy clothes for Seyedzadeh Mahtab’s orphans if I get out of here. Buy clothes for all of them with my own money. Donate her some oil and rice in the name of God. Take care of my brother Qader. Align my greeting to all my relatives.
Dear brother, Rasool, please hand over my children to my mother. Take care of them in the name of God. Do not grieve, God’s work doesn’t change. Goodbye forever.
Forthcoming execution day, 6/6/1358 Goodbye forever
Ali Pishnamaz