Khaled Daneshpajooh, the son of “Karim” and “Zeinab Abdollahpour”, was born on 24/06/1336 Iranian Calendar (15/09/1957) in Mahabad city. He completed his education in the same city with a higher diploma in mathematics. He was hired by the education department and started working as a teacher in the middle schools of that city.
The people of Mahabad knew him as a calm and dignified person. He was a compassionate young man of the society. He enjoyed serving his fellow human beings inherently. He stood in opposition and defense against the national oppression that was being inflicted on his nation. At the same time he was never a member of any political group.

He was arrested 10 days after his marriage and was sent to the torture chambers of the Islamic Republic. His house was located next to the Mahabad Broadcasting Center. In September 1980 a Kurdish party attacked the building of that Center. During a heavy operation, The Kurdish fighters – Peshmarga- inflicted a heavy hit on the Revolutionary Guards who were stationed in that center. After the end of the operation the Revolutionary Guards raided the houses nearby and took revenge on the innocent civil people on 9/6/1359 (31/08/1980). All young men were captured without any guilt and were transferred to the Revolutionary Guards prison. Some of them were released after the most severe tortures and others were still held captive.
After brutal interrogations of these innocents, the Guards of Islamic Regime found out that some of those persons have relatives in the ranks of Kurdish fighters or at least they knew people among them. Khaled was one of those people whose brother was a Peshmerga. It was an alleged accusation against him. He was tortured severely 40 days without any evidence to be guilty. He was executed on 18/08/1359 (30/10/1980) along with 3 other young people in the Orumyeh Prison. The Islamic Regime tried unavailingly to take revenge on Kurdish people and to terrorize them. The names of the other three young people are as follows:
1 – Karim Irandost
2 – Hossein Naghadeeyan, a lottery dealer at the bus station of Mahabad
3 – Fakhri Sheydayee, a young girl from Sardasht.
The guards of Islamic Regime transported the bodies of these four innocents to Mahabad and left them in the morgue of the city. The bodies of Khaled Daneshpajooh, Karim Irandost and Hossein Naghadeeyan were buried in Badaq Sultan Cemetery. The Body of Fakhri Sheydayee was buried later in her birthplace Sardasht.
According to a witness who was one of the survivors of that state crime (his name remains unpublished for security reasons), the perpetrator and torturer of Khaled and other young people was a guard named Hooshang. He was in charge of security of Mahabad Broadcasting building.

On 11/08/1359 (23/10/1980) Khaled Daneshpajooh wrote a few lines on a piece of paper one week before his execution as his last will. The text is as follows:
My dear father and mother, forgive me for not being able to see you again. I believe in God. I believe that I am a martyr. So please do not shed tears for me and send my greetings to all the relatives. They shall forgive me.
My beloved Khadijeh, (she was his shortly married wife, they were married just nine days –Nemiran notice-), I loved you so much, but I am very sorry that I could not make you happy. Don’t shed tears for me. I wish you a good future. Forgive me for not enjoying the life of a newlywed wife for even a month. In the end, I kiss you all one by one. My beloved mother God bless you. God bless you all.
(Continuation on the back side of the paper)
I owe it 110 Ryal to the shop??
I owe 5000 Ryal to Azimeh.
That’s all I have to say.
God bless you
Khaled Daneshpajooh, 11/08/1359, 3:00 pm