The Nemiran Logo is composed of 3 main components:
- A drop of blood
- A pigeon
- Color composition, Blue, Red, and White
This minimalistic logo is formed as a drop of blood, representing the victims who lost their lives by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Inside the drop of blood is a white colored pigeon, representing peace and innocence. The pigeon is leaving the red colored drop of blood, the flies toward the blue sky, illustrating perdurability and the fact we keep them in our minds forever.
A white pigeon, has always been used for illustrating peace and innocence, and in the logo is created as a background to the 2 other colors, the red and the white.
The red and blue colors as 2 contradicted colors, have been used for illustrating the justice to be skipped and for atrocities committed by perpetrators. These 2 contradicted colors can be interpreted as revival and death.
The logo has been assigned a circular form, enabling usage as an icon, and usage together with NemIran word. The capital I in the word is for increased observability and for catching the observer’s attention. Catching observer’s attention by means of art is expected to help remembrance of the cause.
Design team of GraphiKurd