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En kort biografi av Majed Mustafa Sultani

Majed Mustafa Sultani

Majed Mustafa Sultani
Majed ble født i 1953 i Almana, en liten landsby nær Mariwan. Han fullførte grunnskolen i hjembyen før han flyttet til Sannandaj siden det ikke var noen videregående skole i Almana. Han fullførte videregående skole i Sannandaj, og deretter ble han tatt opp på Medical University i Kermanshah.
Majed vokste opp i et område som var sterkt preget av fattigdom og sosial urettferdighet. Han ble introdusert for sosialistisk ideologi av sin bror Fouad (sentral leder i Komela-bevegelsen). Han ble også venn med andre studentaktivister, og han organiserte politiske kampanjer og protester mot regimet på 1970-tallet. Under en av disse protestene ble han skadet.
Etter revolusjonen og etter den beryktede fatwaen mot det kurdiske folket (Khomeini erklærte hellig krig mot kurdere) sluttet han seg til sin bror og de etablerte den første kampenheten for å forsvare det kurdiske folket. I denne perioden arbeidet han også som lærer og lege i Kurdistan. Senere fikk han i oppdrag av partiet å flytte til Tabriz for å organisere et nettverk.
Majed ble arrestert under en tur tilbake til Mariwan sammen med sin bror Amjad i 1980 De ble flyttet til et fengsel i Teheran. Det antas at de ble torturert og deretter ble de henrettet sammen med ti andre politiske fanger i 1981.

A short biography of a man with strong belief

Amjad Mustafa Sultani

Amjad Mustafa Sultani was born on 19/10/1338 Iranian Calendar (January 1960) in the village of Almana in Mariwan district. He finished the primary school in the same village. Later he joined his brother and moved to Sanandaj to complete his study in arts and handcraft. In high school he became interested in political activities especially in the socialist movement and the resistance against the Shah’s monarchy regime. The arrest of his brother Foad had a huge impact on his political attitude and his activities. He started having regular meetings with the political opposition of the time. The obvious discrimination against the Kurds gave him more motivation to pursue his political views.

He was an active figure in the support of the 31 days of hunger strike in 1978 during which Foad and other political prisoners were on hunger strike in Sanandaj prison. Later the same year Amjad graduated with a degree in Art College. Then he continued his studies to become a teacher. The resistance against the Shah’s regime was at its peak at that time. Amjad became familiar with a group of activists in Urmiyeh (both Turks and Kurds activists) and became involved in the uprising against the regime. He continued his activities after the Iranian revolution in 1979 and joined the armed forces of Komala (a leftist Kurdish organization). In autumn of 1980 he became the organizer of the activities in Urmiyeh. He was arrested in 1981. He endured torture alongside with his own brother Majed in prison.
Both of them were executed in Tabriz prison. Amjad never gave up his values and his belief. He died a hero and he will remain in the hearts of the women and men of Kurdistan

Transferring the bodies of these two brothers to their home village

Upon hearing the heartbreaking news of the execution of Majed and Amjad, their mother Bahiya left for Tabriz to retrieve their bodies. Arriving to Tabriz prison, the prison guard told her: “I feel so sorry for you”.  She replied: “Really???  Then why did you carry out the order of execution of my two sons? You knew that Khalkhali also executed my two other sons and Chamran (a commander of the Revolutionary Guards at that time) killed my eldest son”.

Mother Bahiye demanded the bodies of her two children so that they could be buried in the cemetery (Taleswar) of their hometown (Almana) next to their three brothers. The authorities refused to hand over the bodies to her. At night, the Kurdish brave mother Bahiya took the bodies of Majed and Amjad out of their graves and left for Almana. One of the witnesses of this tragic act recalls: “Even though eight days had passed since they were shot, the bodies were still bleeding. The blood of Majid and Amjad was poured drop by drop on the chest of the mourning mother. She said despite this unforgettable scene that she considered all of us (those present) as her own children.”

The memory, name and path of Kurdish martyrs may be eternal


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